Videos to View
These videos MAY NOT be sold by anyone without written authorization from the Life in a Nutshell Ministries DVD department. All Rights Reserved.
Title: 1. Creation
Theme: You are a special creation.
Title: 2. Sin Began
Theme: Sin kills you love for God
Adam and Eve sinned.
Title: 11. Remind God of His Promises
Theme: Understanding the principle of faith based on promises.
The videos on this list are a series of Bible stories with amazingly valuable applications.
We found that children and adults alike find much benefit from them. They are on average
three minutes long, in high definition and can be watched on television through a computer. The list indicates the theme of each video and what it is about.

To get the most value from them they should be used along with the questions provided. Ideally the presenter should have completed the online training, which does not take long or at least study the printed training that forms part of the questionnaire pack.

Download the questionnaire pack and do the training HERE.

Group Title: What can I learn from Moses' Life 2 - Videos 43-48
Title: 43. Don't Test the Living God
Theme: Don't try and see with how much you can get away.
The Plagues.
Title: 44. Do What the Lord Says
Theme: Fear the Lord and do what the Bible Says.
The Plagues.
Title: 45. The Lord Wants you to help Him
Theme: God will get done what He desires regardless. Why don't you help him and receive the blessings.
The Plagues.
Title: 46. The Passover
Theme: Passover vs Communion. The yeast of sin.
Title: 47. Trust the Lord for He Cares
Theme: Even if you can't see what God does, he's working - trust Him.
Title: 48. The Lord is an Awesome God!
Theme: The all powerful God is always there for you.
At the Red Sea.
Group Title: What can I learn from Moses' Life 3 - Videos 49-54
Title: 49. Love Tolerates Everything
Theme: God is love and not affected by our moods and behaviour.
Making the water sweet.
Title: 50. Food for Thought
Theme: Trust the Lord with your daily needs.
The Manna and the Quail.
Title: 51. Honour the Lord as Holy
Theme: Honour the Lord in everything you do. Evil spirits see what you do in secret and they laugh at God.
Moses disobeyed the Lord at the rock.
Title: 52. Show the Lord you Trust Him
Theme: Let your actions prove to God what your mouth says.
The Battle with the Amalekites.
Title: 53. The Lord gave Instructions
Theme: Don't use God's grace as an excuse to disobey.
Title: 54. God's Ten Biggest Rules
Theme: Practical every day application of the Ten
The Ten Commandments.
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